Multiplayer number quiz

This game is meant to be played in a group with something from 3 to 20 participants and a game leader.

The game itself consist of a range of questions. The answer is always a number (integer). A max number and a min number is distributed with the question as well.
Scores are given to the ones guessing/answering closest to the correct answer.

Game preparation client

To prepare a game with your custom questions, you may use the Game preparation client to make sure the questions are in the correct format.

This client produces question files that may be saved, loaded, and manipulated in the Game preparation client.

When you are satisfied with the set of questions you may load the question file into the Game leader client.

For your convenience the following prepared question files are ready for download:


Game leader client

The first screen of the Game leader client consist of a few administrative settings (number of questions to play), reset game environment and so forth.

After the game is setupt the game leader manages the game leader interface consisting of a Leaderboard, a Status view for when the game participants enter their answers, and a Reveal screen to reveal results.

For best game play experience the Game leader client display is meant to be displayed full screen for the participants over shared screen video meeting, projector or TV-screen while the playing game participants view their Player client on their phones.

After the initial game setup screen the Game leader client repeats the sequence of:

  1. Displaying the Leaderboard where players and their scores are displayed sorted by score.
  2. The answer collection screen where the current question is displayed while a progress bar is populated as the players submit their answers. You also have a list of players who has not yet answered so the game leader or other players may hurry them on by teasing them.
  3. The Reveal screen where players answers are displayed alongside the correct answer and points are awarded.

When the stipulated number of questions have been ran through a Game over screen is displayed with an option to prolong the game with five more questions is displayed (if at least five questions remain).

Scoring table

10 pTen points are given to the one(s) in the group closest to the correct answer. If several people has the same answer the get 10 points each.
8 pEight points are given to the one(s) in the group second closes to the correct answer.
6 pSix points are given to the one(s) in the group third closest to the correct answer.
4 pFour points are given to the one(s) in the group fourth closest to the correct answer.
2 pTwo points are given to the one(s) in the group fifth closest to the correct answer.

Player client

The player client consist of:

  1. A player registration screen to identify players
  2. A screen with a range slider, a number input field synchronized with the ranger, the current question, and a button for submitting answers

When a new question is published by the game leader the question pops up in the Player client together with a range slider with reasonable limitations in range.

When the player either has typed the correct number or dragged the range slider to a good number it's time to commit the answer with the button.

When an answer is submitted the whole screen goes disabled until the next question is published by the game leader.

The URL for the Player client is There is also a QR code to the Player client for convenience from the publicly displayed Game leader client screen.

The Player client has a few extra features: